Important Mcqs for Jkssb physics FAA

 1. Electron volt is a unit of

(a) Potential diff.

(b) Charge

(c) Energy

(d) Force


2. Which instrument is used to detect the   presence of an electric charge?

(A) Cyclotron

(B) Dyanamo

(C) Dilatometer

(D) Electroscope

Ans. D 

 3. Which instrument is used to measure the power of electric circuit?

 (A) Voltmeter

 (B) Wattmeter

 (C) Wavemeter

 (D) Viscometer

 Ans. B

4. Newton’s laws of motion do not hold good  for objects

(a) at rest

(b) moving slowly

(c) moving with high velocity

(d) moving with velocity comparable to  velocity of light

Ans. D

5. When a moving bus suddenly applies  brakes, the passengers sitting in it fall in the forward direction. This can be explained by

(a) the theory of relativity

(b) Newton’s first law

(c) Newton’s second law

(d) Newton’s third law

Ans. B

6. If velocity of a body is twice of previous  velocity, then kinetic energy will become

(a) 2 times

(b) 1/2 times

(c) 4 times

(d) 1 times


7. The sum of the change in kinetic and   potential energy is always

(a) Zero

(b) Positive

(c) Negative

(d) None of the above


8. The work done becomes zero if

(a) force perpendicular to the displacement

(b) displacement is zero

(c) force acting on the body is zero

(d) All of the above


9. An athlete runs some distance before  taking a long jump because

(a) He gains energy to take him through long distance

(b) It helps him to apply large force

(c) By running action and reaction forces   increase

(d) By running the athlete gives himself larger inertia of motion

Ans. d

10. When body is in motion, ________ always


(a) its velocity

(b) its acceleration

(c) its position

(d) its momentum

Ans. C

11. A body is moving with uniform velocity. Its

(a) speed changes

(b) acceleration changes

(c) direction of motion changes

(d) displacement from origin changes

Ans. D

12.Which law of motion is also called law of


(a) 1st law

(b) 2nd law

(c) 3rd law

(d) all 1st, 2nd and 3rd laws

Ans A

13. 1st law of motion gives the definition of

(a) Rest

(b) Motion

(c) Velocity

(d) Force

Ans D

14. 2nd law of motion gives the definition of

(a) Force

(b) Acceleration

(c) Velocity

(d) Both force and acceleration

Ans B

15. 3rd law of motion explains

 (a) Effect of force

 (b) Existence of a force

 (c) Existence of two forces

 (d) Existence of pair of forces in nature

 Ans D

16.Which of the following pair has same direction always?

(a) force, displacement

(b) force, velocity

(c) force, acceleration

(d) force, momentum

Ans C

17. Energy possess by a body in motion is   called

(a) Kinetic Energy

(b) Potential Energy

(c) Both of Above

(d) None of Above

Ans A

18.Newton's third law of motion applies to  which of these following forces?

(a) Average Force

(b) Electric

(c) Magnetic

(d) All of the above

Ans D

19.The law that give a Qualitative definition of force is

(a) Newton’s second low of motion

(b) Newton’s first law of motion

(c) Newton’s third law of motion

(d) Law of gravitation

Ans B

 20.In the Earth, the weight of a body is   maximum at the

 (a) North Pole

 (b) South Pole

 (c) Equator

 (d) Surface

 Ans D

21.The mass of the body on moon is 40kg,  what is the weight on the earth.

[A] 240kg 

[B] 392N

[C] 240N 

[D] 400kg

Ans B

22.A body of mass 1kg is attracted by the  earth with a force which is equal to

[A] 9.8N 

[B] 6.67x 1011

[C] 1 N 

[D] 9.8m/s

Ans A

23. If the length and cross-section of a Wire are both doubled, the resistance will

 [A] Increase 4 times

 [B] Decrease 5 times

 [C] Increase twice

 [D] Remain unchanged

 Ans D

24. Basically domestic electric wiring is a

[A] Parallel connection

[B] Series connection

[C] Combination of series and parallel connections

[D] None of the above

Ans A

25. What of the following represents Ohm’s law (V= potential difference and I=current)?

[A] V = I 2

[B] V = 1/I

[C] V/I = constant

[D] None of the above

Ans C

26. What is current density?

[A] Current per unit volume

[B] Current per unit area

[C] Charge per unit area

[D] None of the above

Ans B

27.Which of the following represents Electric Power (V=Voltage, I=Current)?

[A] V x I

[B] V/I

[C] 2( V x I)

[D] 1/VI

Ans A

28.Which of the following represents the unit ampere?

[A] Kg/metre

[B] coulomb/metre

[C] coulomb/second

[D] Kg/coulomb

Ans C

 29.The resistance of an ideal voltmeter is

 [A] zero

 [B] infinite

 [C] very low

 [D] data incomplete

 Ans B

30.The resistance of an ideal ammeter is

[A] zero

[B] high

[C] infinite

[D] 10

Ans A

31. The coil in a heater is made of

 [A] Nichrome

 [B] Tungsten

 [C] Copper

 [D] Iron

 Ans A

32.A voltmeter essentially consists of

[A] a high resistance, in series with a  galvanometer

[B] a low resistance, in series with a galvanometer

[C] a high resistance in parallel with a galvanometer

[D] a low resistance in parallel with a galvanometer

Ans A

33. Alternating current cannot be measured by D.C. ammeter because

[A] average value of current for complete cycle is zero

[B] A.C. changes direction

[C] A.C. cannot pass through D.C. ammeter

[D] D.C. ammeter will get damaged

Ans A

34.Which of the following is the best insulator of electricity?

[A] Carbon

[B] Paper

[C] Graphite

[D] Ebonite

Ans D

35.Gases are good conductors of electricity at

[A] high pressure

[B] low pressure

[C] low temperature

[D] high temperature

Ans B

36.Fuse wire is made of

[A] platinum

[B] copper

[C] aluminium

[D] alloy of tin and lead

Ans C

37.Which one of the following heater element is used in electric press?

[A] Copper wire

[B] Nichrome wire

[C] Lead wire

[D] Iron wire

Ans A

38. What should be the characteristic of fuse wire?

[A] High melting point, high specific resistance

[B] Low melting point, low specific resistance

[C] High melting point, low specific resistance

[D] Low melting point, high specific resistance

Ans D

39.Electric current originates from which part of an atom?

A. nucleus

B. entire atom acting as a unit

C. positively charged protons

D. negatively charged electrons

Ans. D

40.Electric pressure is also called

(a) resistance

(b) power

(c) voltage

(d) energy

Ans: C

41.Ohm’s law is not applicable to

(a) vacuum tubes

(b) carbon resistors

(c) high voltage circuits

(d) circuits with low current densities

Ans: A

42.Which is the best conductor of electricity ?

(a) Iron

(b) Silver

(c) Copper

(d) Carbon

Ans: B

43. The total work done by an electrical appliance during its operation, is called electrical

 (a) Current

 (b) Power 

 (c) Energy 

 (d) potential difference

 Ans. C

44.A mobile phone charger is

  (A) An inverter

  (B) A UPS

  (C) A step up transformer

  (D) A step down transformer

Ans D

45. An electric fuse works on the:

 A. Chemical effect of current

 B. Magnetic effect of current

 C. Lighting effect of current

 D. Heating effect of current

Ans D

46. Kilowatt-hour(kWh) is a unit of ?

a) Current

b) Power

c) Energy

d) Resistance

Ans C

47. The unit of work is joule. The other physical quantity that has same unit is

(a) power         

(b) velocity         

(c) energy         

(d) force

 Ans C

48.If potential difference and current flowing through a wire is increased twice each, then electric power

(A) Will remain unaffected

(B) Will increase four times

(C) Will increase two times

(D) Will decrease half

Ans B

49.Electric current passing through the circuit produces

(a) magnetic effect

(b) luminous effect

(c) thermal effect

(d) chemical effect

Ans: C

50.With rise in temperature the resistance of pure metals

(a) increases

(b) decreases

(c) first increases and then decreases

(d) remains constant

Ans: A


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