Important Mcqs Of Chemistry JKSSB FAA

 1. Before burning in air, the magnesium ribbon is cleaned by rubbing with a sand paper to:

 a. Make the ribbon surface shinier

 b. Remove the layer of magnesium oxide from the ribbon surface

 c. Remove the layer of magnesium carbonate from the ribbon surface

 d. Remove the moisture from the ribbon surface

Ans. C

2. The respiration process during which glucose undergoes slow combustion by combining with oxygen in the cells of our body to produce energy, is a kind of:

a. Exothermic process

b. Endothermic process

c. Reversible process

d. Physical process

Ans A

3.One of the following processes does not involve a chemical reaction. That is:

a. Melting of candle wax when heated

b. Burning of candle wax when heated

c. Digestion of food in our stomach

d. Ripening of banana

Ans. A

4. It is necessary to balance a chemical equation in order to satisfy the law of:

a. Conservation of motion

b. Conservation of momentum

c. Conservation of energy

d. Conservation of mass

Ans. D

5. Rusting of iron involves a chemical reaction which is a combination of:

a. Reduction as well as combination reactions

b. Oxidation as well as combination reactions

c. Reduction as well as displacement reactions

d. Oxidation as well as displacement reactions

Ans B

6. Which of the following is an endothermic process?

(a) Dilution of sulphuric acid

(b) Sublimation of dry ice

(c) Condensation of water vapours

(d) Respiration in human beings

Ans B

7. A substance added to food containing fats and oils is called:

 (a) Oxidant

 (b) Rancid

 (c) Coolant

 (d) Antioxidant

 Ans D

8.Which of the following metals catch fire on reaction with air?

A. Magnesium

B. Manganese

C. Potassium

D. Calcium

Ans C

9.Which gas are produced when metal react with acids?

[A] Oxygen

[B] Nitrogen

[C] Hydrogen

[D] Carbon dioxide

Ans C

10. Which non-metal catches fire if the exposed to air?

[A] Sodium

[B] Phosphorous

[C] Calcium

[D] Uranium

Ans B

11. Alloys are homogeneous mixtures of a metal with a metal or non-metal. Which among the following alloys contain non-metal as one of its constituents?

[A] Brass

[B] Bronze

[C] Amalgam

[D] Steel

Ans D

12. Which one of the following is used for decorating sweets?

[A] Aluminium foil

[B] Copper foil

[C] Silver foil

[D] All of these

Ans C

13.Which one of the following is in crackers?

[A] metals

[B] Semi metals

[C] Non-metal

[D] All of these

Ans C

14.Hydrogen gas produce when metal react with-

[A] Acid

[B] Base

[C] Salt

[D] Both acid & base

Ans B

15. Which of the following can't be beaten into sheets?

[A] Zinc

[B] Iron

[C] Aluminium

[D] Sulphur

Ans D

16. Which one of the following are very reactive non metals

[A] Sodium

[B] Potassium

[C] Carbon

[D] Phosphorous

Ans D

17.Which one of the following is applied on wounds as an antiseptic?

[A] Metals

[B] Non metals

[C] Metalloids

[D] All of these

Ans B

18.Which of the following statements are correct?

[A] All metals are ductile

[B] All non metals are ductile

[C] Generally metals are ductile

[D] some metals are ductile

Ans C

19. The property of metals by which they can be beaten in to thin sheets is called-

[A] malleability

[B] Ductility

[C] conduction

[D] Expansion

Ans A

20. The property of metal by which it can be drawn into wires is called

[A] Conductivity

[B] malleability

[C] Ductility

[D] Decorating

Ans C

21.At present how many elements are known to us?

A. 118

B. 119

C. 120

D. 117

Ans A

22. Other than mercury which other metal is liquid at room temperature?

A. Sodium

B. Lithium

C. Gallium

D. Caesium

Ans. C

23.Which metal was earlier called Wolfram? 

a) Tungsten 

b) Molybdenum 

c) Zinc 

d) Radium

Ans A

24. In which of the following metals is the speed of sound the fastest?




Ans B

25 Which of the following is the heaviest metal?

A gold

B osmium

C mercury

D lead

Ans B

26.What is the other name for quick lime?

A) Calcium hydroxide

B) Calcium oxide

C) Carbon dioxide

D) Sodium oxide

Ans B

27.The poorest conductor of heat among

metals is

(a) Lead

(b) Mercury

(c) Calcium

(d) Sodium

Ans A

28.Which of the following metals catch fire

on reaction with air?

A. Magnesium

B. Manganese

C. Potassium

D. Calcium

Ans C

29.Rusting of iron involves a chemical reaction which is a combination of:

a. Reduction as well as combination reactions

b. Oxidation as well as combination


c. Reduction as well as displacement reactions

d. Oxidation as well as displacement reactions

Ans B

30. Which of the following gases is used in the

storage of fat and oil containing foods for a

long time?

a. Carbondioxide gas

b. Nitrogen gas

c. Oxygen gas

d. Neon gas

Ans B


Milan Tomic

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