MCQ'S ON Electric Current, Power, Energy, Voltage


1. Electric current originates from which part of an atom?

A. nucleus

B. entire atom acting as a unit

C. positively charged protons

D. negatively charged electrons

Ans. D

2. The resistance of the wire varies inversely as:

A. Area of cross section

B. Resistivity

C. Length

D. Temperature

Ans. A

3. Voltage is a form of:

A. Kinetic energy

B. Potential energy

C. both Potential and Kinetic energy

D. None of the above

Ans B

4. Electric pressure is also called

(a) resistance

(b) power

(c) voltage

(d) energy

Ans: c

5.The substances which have a large number of free electrons and offer a low resistance are called

(a) insulators

(b) inductors

(c) semi-conductors

(d) conductors

Ans: d

6. Ohm’s law is not applicable to

(a) vacuum tubes

(b) carbon resistors

(c) high voltage circuits

(d) circuits with low current densities

Ans: a

7. Which is the best conductor of electricity ?

(a) Iron

(b) Silver

(c) Copper

(d) Carbon

Ans: b

8. All of the following are equivalent to watt except

(a) (amperes) ohm

(b) joules/sec.

(c) amperes x volts

(d) amperes/volt

Ans: d

9. The rating of a fuse wire is always expressed in

(a) ampere-hours

(b) ampere-volts

(c) kWh

(d) amperes

Ans: d

10. A closed switch has a resistance of

(a) zero

(b) about 50 ohms

(c) about 500 ohms

(d) infinity

Ans: a

11.Which of the following quantities remain the same in all parts of a series circuit ?

(a) Voltage

(b) Current

(c) Power

(d) Resistance

Ans: b

12.Resistance of a tungsten lamp as applied voltage increases

(a) decreases

(b) increases

(c) remains same

(d) none of the above

Ans: b

 13. If the efficiency of a machine is to be high, what should be low ?

 (a) Input power

 (b) Losses

 (c) True component of power

 (d) kWh consumed

 (e) Ratio of output to input

 Ans: b

 14.A glass rod when rubbed with silk cloth is charged because

 (a) it takes in proton

 (b) its atoms are removed

 (c) it gives away electrons

 (d) it gives away positive charge

 Ans: c

15 Bulbs in street lighting are all connected in

(a) parallel

(b) series

(c) series-parallel

(d) end-to-end

Ans: a

16. The resistance of a conductor is directly proportional to :

 (a) its area of cross-section

 (b) density

 (c) melting point 

 (d) length  

Ans D

17 Formula for electric power is

 (a)P= V2 I 

 (b)P=V I 

 (c) P=I/V 


Ans B

18. In electric heating appliances, the material of heating element is


 (b) Nichrome 

 (c) Silver 

 (d) Copper.

 Ans B

19.The relation between H ;I is called

 (a)Newton’ s law 

 (b)Faraday’ s law  

 (c)Joule’s law 

 (d) Ohm’ s law

 Ans C

 20. Heating of a current carrying conductor is due to

 (a) Loss of kinetic energy by atoms 

 (b) Loss of kinetic energy by electrons 

 (c)Attraction between electrons 

(d)Repulsion between electrons & protons

Ans. B

21. The total work done by an electrical appliance during its operation, is called electrical

 (a) Current

 (b) Power 

 (c) Energy 

 (d) potential difference

 Ans. C

22.In parallel combination of n cells, we obtain

(a) more voltage

(b) more current

(c) less voltage

(d) less current

Ans B

 23 Consider the following statements.

 An ordinary light bulb has a rather short life because the

 1. Filament wire is not uniform.

 2. Bulb cannot be evacuated completely.

 3. Wires supporting the filament melt at high temperatures.

 Which of the above statements are correct?

 (A) 1 and 3 

 (B) 2 and 3

 (C) 1 and 3 

 (D) 1, 2 and 3

Ans D 

  24. Electricity consumption bill is based on the measurement of

    1. Watt

    2. Voltage

    3. Ohm 

    4. Ampere

    Select your answer of the following codes. [40th BPSC (Pre) 1995]

    (A) Only 1 

    (B) 1 and 2

    (C) 2 and 3 

    (D) 1 and 4

    Ans A

25. The device used for converting alternating current to direct current is called

 (A) Inverter 

 (B) Rectifier

 (C) Transformer

 (D) Transmitter

 Ans B

 26.A mobile phone charger is

  (A) An inverter

  (B) A UPS

  (C) A step up transformer

  (D) A step down transformer

Ans D

27. Domestic electrical wiring is basically a

(A) Series connection

(B) Parallel connection

(C) Combination of series and  parallel connections

(D) Series connection within each room and parallel connective elsewhere

Ans B

28.Which element is the best conductor of electricity?

   (A) Silver 

   (B) Copper

   (C) Aluminium 

   (D) Iron

    Ans A

 29. In a three-pin electrical plug longest pin should be connected to

  (A) Ground terminal

  (B) Live terminal

  (C) Neutral terminal

  (D) Any terminal

Ans A

 30. Turbines and Dyanamos are used to convert which energy to electrical energy?

  (A) Chemical energy

  (B) Solar energy

  (C) Mechanical energy

  (D) Magnetic energy

Ans C

31 What does the internal resistance of a cell mean?

(a) The resistance of the material used in the cell

(b) The vessel of the cell

(c) The electrodes of the cell

(d) The electrolyte used in the cell

Answer: (d)

32 What is the principle behind thermocouple

(a) Joule effect

(b) Thomson effect

(c) Seebeck effect

(d) Peltier effect

Answer: (c)

33 On which of the given resistance does not depend :

A. Length of conductor

B. Area of cross-section

C. Temperature

D. Density

Ans D

 34 An electric fuse works on the:

 A. Chemical effect of current

 B. Magnetic effect of current

 C. Lighting effect of current

 D. Heating effect of current

Ans D

35. Ampere second could be the unit of

(A) power

(B) conductance

(C) energy

(D) charge.

Ans D

36 Which of the following is not the same as watt?

(A) joule/sec

(B) amperes/volt

(C) amperes x volts

(D) ( amperes )2 x ohm.

Ans B

37. Kilowatt-hour(kWh) is a unit of?

a) Current

b) Power

c) Energy

d) Resistance

Ans C

38 The SI unit of power is?

a) kW(kilo-watt)

b) J/s(joules per second)

c) Ws(watt-second)

d) J/h(joules per hour

Ans B

39.The unit of work is joule. The other physical quantity that has same unit is

 (a) power         

 (b) velocity         

 (c) energy         

 (d) force

 Ans C

 40 When a coolie walks on a horizontal platform with a load on his head, the work done by the coolie on the load is zero.

 a) True

 b) False

 Ans A

41 A moving hammer drives a nail into the wood. It has kinetic energy.

a) True

b) False

Ans A

 42 Electric motors operating at low

 voltages tend to burn out because

  (A) They draw more current which  is inversely proportional to the  voltage

  (B) They draw more current which is inversely proportional to the square root of the voltage

  (C) They draw heat proportional to v 2

  (D) Low voltage sets in electrical discharge

Ans A

43 If potential difference and current flowing through a wire is increased twice each, then electric power

 (A) Will remain unaffected

 (B) Will increase four times

 (C) Will increase two times

 (D) Will decrease half

Ans B

44 Alternate current is not preferable

 (A) To charge storage battery

 (B) To run/start an electric motor

 (C) To transmit electric power

 (D) To heat up electric toaster

 Ans A

45 Electric current passing through the circuit produces

(a) magnetic effect

(b) luminous effect

(c) thermal effect

(d) chemical effect

Ans: c

46. Which of the following quantities remain the same in all parts of a series circuit ?

(a) Voltage

(b) Current

(c) Power

(d) Resistance

Ans: b

 47.The filament of an electric bulb is made of

 (a) carbon

 (b) aluminium

 (c) tungsten

 (d) nickel

 Ans: c

48 Which one of the following does not have negative temperature co-efficient ?

(a) Aluminium

(b) Paper

(c) Rubber

(d) Mica

Ans: a

49 With rise in temperature the resistance of semi-conductors

(a) decreases

(b) increases

(c) first increases and then decreases

(d) remains constant

Ans: a

50 With rise in temperature the resistance of pure metals

(a) increases

(b) decreases

(c) first increases and then decreases

(d) remains constant

Ans: a


Milan Tomic

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